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Welcome to our tribe (w/ JC Worley)

podcast May 26, 2022

JC Worley leads Go Church in South Atlanta. He and his wife, Kimberly, lead Go Church.

Go Church was the host location for the first-ever Courageous Pastors Gathering, and— more relevantly to this talk— JC is taking a more proactive role with


From 2006 until 2013, JC was the youth pastor at Go Church, for his father-in-law. He left to plant a church in the Metro D.C., area, with his father-in-law’s blessing.

They launched— and led— the church for 4 years.

His father-in-law approached him about retiring and taking over his home church at that point.

After much prayer— and wise counsel— JC and his wife relocated BACK to Atlanta, transitioning the Maryland location into a satellite.


This year, at Easter, Go Church launched a 3rd campus in the Atlanta area.

Just before the pandemic, Go Church was— under JC’s leadership— one of Outreach Magazine’s Top 100 / fastest-growing churches.


A former client himself, JC is a coach on the team. And, he’ll begin hosting the Courageous Pastors podcast.

His believes Courage to Lead provides two things:

#1 = Quality. It’s been tested over-and-over, and has a developed framework. So, there’s consistency.

#2 = Content. The system includes information which pastors can use and apply in their unique context— immediately.

These two factors create a consistent experience for others…

… and it provides an on-ramp to help others apply the content and receive incredible results.



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